Do you have yoga mats and straps?
Yes. We have 14 yoga mats and 5 straps. You may bring your own mat and strap if you would like.
What should I wear to class?
You should wear clothes that offer you a full range of motion. We typically wear Thai style pants or Indian lungis with a base layer for warmth in the winter time. No expensive or special clothes needed. Just put on a pair of clean sweat pants and a comfortable t-shirt and join us.
When should I arrive at class?
Arrive 10 minutes before class starts so you can use the restroom. Your hands and your feet should be clean prior to being seated. In yoga you touch your feet and your hands and your face. You don’t want to put your unclean hands on your face. There is an all gender bathroom as well as wipes and sanitizer. Plan to be seated on your mat at the start of class because class will start on time.
Can you modify asanas (postures) for more advanced and less advanced students?
Yes. Asanas in the Pawanmuktasana and Surya Namaskar series can be modified to fit your needs.